May 2024 Update

Strategic Planning
The Vision Implementation Team (VIT) continues to make really good progress in identifying ways we can realize the future God has in store for us. Building on our article in April’s LoL Newsletter we want to share with you what we’re doing and some important next steps. The VIT prioritized the input from the Vision Summit conducted in early March so that we could focus our initial efforts on the five most important items first. Job Descriptions - using various sources of information, including conducting interviews with staff, updated and revised job descriptions for Pastor, Deacon, musician, choir director, and office administrator were drafted and are currently being reviewed. We want to be sure all the critical congregational priorities are supported by at least one staff member. Some responsibilities may…
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April 2024 Update

Strategic Planning
For those of you that participated in the Vision Summit on March 1 – thank you. Your hard work helped the LoL Vision Implementation Team get started on the right foot. This article is to provide you with an exciting update about what the Team has been up to since then. As a reminder, the Team considered all the input the congregation provided at the summit and condensed it into a new LoL Mission Statement, four Core Values that were determined to be the most important in the near term, and a set of four revolving goals, the first of which are to be completed in the 2027 timeframe. All of these are included in the single-page handout that is available in the Narthex. If you haven’t done so, please…
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March 2024 Update

Discipleship, Strategic Planning
The Vision Implementation Team (VIT) is excited to bring you news of what it’s up to and the progress we’re making. We will be providing information and updates to you in upcoming Wednesday Emails and monthly newsletters. This is just the first in a series of articles that we hope will keep you aware of, and involved in, this important work that will help us together realize the future God has planned for us. With the help of Sean Williams of Ministry Architects, the congregation members participated in a process of envisioning the future of Lord of Life Lutheran Church by providing input for a Mission Statement, Core Values, and a set of three-year revolving goals. These were summarized in a single-page handout that is available on the main Strategic…
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Sermon from August 9, 2020

Discipleship, Faith, Grace, Pastor, Sermons
Gospel Reading: Matthew 14:22-33; First Reading: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 In some ways it may feel like we’ve heard this story before. This is the second time Jesus had been with the disciples on the rough sea. The first time was when he was asleep in the boat in the storm, woke up, and commanded Peace, Be Still, and everything was calm.  Right before this story today is the story where Jesus ends up feeding 5,000 or 15,000 or 20,000 (remember it was 5,000 plus women and children). So the disciples have been witness to some of Jesus’ great miracles before we catch up with them today. They’ve already seen what God is capable of, even on the sea.  Our story today begins at sea. Jesus had sent the disciples away in the boat, while he went up the mountain to finally…
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Sermon from July 5, 2020

Grace, Hope, Pastor, Sermons
5th Sunday After Pentecost, Year A First Reading: Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67; Psalm 45:10-17; Second Reading: Romans 7:15-25a; Gospel: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Much like last week, I feel like I need to begin by addressing our reading from Genesis - and the Psalm, too. In Genesis we hear the telling of Rebekah joining Abraham and Isaac’s family, taken away from her own - as it was then. It appears as though she has some agency in the story - it seems she is given a choice to go or not (whether or not it was actually a choice in her culture is unsure), but this is unlike Isaac, who is more or less just a sidenote in almost every story that involves him. It gives us a hint of the…
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Worship for Holy Week 2020

Baptism, Creation, Deacon, Discipleship, Easter, Faith, Grace, Hope, Pastor, Sermons, Worship
Holy Week was all online this year for the first time ever! All of our worship resources are below. Maundy Thursday In partnership with First Lutheran in Kennewick and Pasco, this worship service can be found here. Good Friday Also in partnership with KFL and PFL, this worship service can be found here. Easter Vigil There are many videos in this project, submitted by congregation members and pastoral staff alike! You can see them here. If needed, the password is easter.
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